The Holistic Approach

The philosophy of the disciplines I teach encompasses six principles: thoughts and emotions, breathing, nutrition, hydration and rest.

The union of these elements serve to combat stress - the number one cause of disease and illness.

Stress is the first cause of injuries, it slows down the rehabilitation process and suppresses the body’s immune system. Stress also affects our digestion, assimilation, metabolism, and elimination.

This all happens because the nervous system cannot differentiate the origin of the stress and it summates from physical, chemical, electromagnetic, psychic, nutrition, thermal which causes a physiological breakdown of the body and mind. The control systems are then affected causing limbic emotional, hormonal, visceral, nervous system and musculoskeletal breakdown.

The human body, after all, is a union of systems that work together for the same goal, balancing the bodily functions to achieve homeostasis.

I believe stress, diet, movement and exercise to be the fundamental guidelines for working with ourselves in a holistic way.

thinking,nutriton, movement,sleep, hydration,breathing.png